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Have you been searching for a closer-knit family unit? Do you want to eat food, hangout, and dive deeper in community together? You are welcome here! Willis and Linda lead our Life Groups and with 8 kids of their own, they are passionate about family community. Find them on Sunday after the service or click the link below to get plugged into a Life Group now.
In Acts 2:42 it states, "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer".
Grow deeper in fellowship and in your relationship with God together. Have those close to you encourage and spur you on in your walk. You can’t go wrong with having some family in your corner.
Family is supposed to be fun! There are so many fun games, activities, connect times, and stories that get shared around the kitchen table. Sweet memories are created here.
When you attend a Life Group, you can expect authentic fellowship, food, a chat about the things of heaven, and prayer. Life Groups are open to Christians as well as the un-churched. Long-term trust and relationships are nurtured and cultivated.
Families (including children) are welcome to join and be a part of our Life Groups.
Yes! All of our Life Groups facilitate environments for both singles and married couples together. We encourage this mixture so that singles can experience healthy, Christ-like examples or real married life. It is also an opportunity for married couples to support and understand the challenges and values of a single lifestyle. The win is to cultivate relationships across generations.
One of the intrinsic values of Life Groups is that they are small, which enables them to foster an intimate and safe atmosphere of trust, accountability, and personal spiritual growth. Small intimate groups represent the model of the New Testament Church. (Acts 2; Philemon 1:2; Col. 4:15; 1 Cor. 16:19, etc). When a group becomes too big, it's time to begin planning a Life Group multiplication. Multiplication takes place when part of the group establishes another Life Group independent of their parent Life Group. Like natural birth, this at first can seem painful, especially because a group has built strong intimate relationships. But the heart of the Kingdom of God is about reproducing disciples, and the multiplication of a new Life Group not only improves the opportunity for intimacy and accountability but also increases the opportunity for others to join who are not members of a Life Group.
Life Groups can meet almost any day and time of the week. Most of our groups meet on Sunday after church, although there are some that meet on the weekday evenings. We have groups throughout the lower mainland.
Groups can meet weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. We encourage our groups to meet at least 3 times a month, and ask that no Life Group meet less than once a month.
Each Life Group picks the length of time they will meet. However, most groups meet for two to three hours to accommodate a time of fellowship, word, prayer, and to allow for organic community to happen.
Though each group differs in how they do things, every group enjoys a time of food, fellowship, and ministry. The win is to cultivate a safe environment that allows for authentic relationships to be formed, and that all group members become more like Jesus.
26460 52nd Ave. Langley, BC V4W 1N6.
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